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Energy Boundaries

The energy you give is the energy you get in return.

Not always.

Sure, it’s often the case that positive energy begets reciprocated positive energy. And negative energy, negative.

But, what about when an incredibly positive energy attracts the opposite?

Like the type of energy that’s toxic, manipulative, and control-seeking.

Sometimes, people who give off that luscious, positive, radiant energy are the most desired targets of energy sucking negatives.

This is why we must have boundaries.

We have to be ready at all times to filter IN the reciprocated (positive) energy that’s attracted to us while simultaneously filtering OUT the unwelcomed (negative) energy that’s looking to suck the life from us.

Don’t take this lightly either.

Energy is life currency.

Be relentless in protecting it.

Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love