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Cut And Dried [Poem]

I ask you
About your tattoos
Like everybody else
Probably… Obviously…

But why then
Change so visibly
If not to have people
Question… Ask…

Or does ink
Cut and dried outwardly
Do something
Visceral… Inwardly…

Nearly every inch
Recolored; redrawn; recreated
As if away from
Blank… Incomplete…

You suddenly smile
And there’s nothing I can see
That isn’t already
Finished… Complete…

Too late though
Your lines and your patterns say
Asked and answered
Inked… Dyed…

Another deal sealed
And the thought of us together
Filling in the blanks
Cut… Dried…

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchives