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Close The Loop

Satisfied people are far more thoughtful than unsatisfied people.

Worth pointing out: by thoughtful I mean someone who has shown careful consideration or attention.

What I don’t mean: someone who gets overwhelmed with impeding thoughts.

The benefit of being thoughtful up front, is that once you’ve paid the appropriate dues (in careful consideration or attention), then the thought becomes a closed loop.

In other words, once you understand what satisfies a person (you), you can be done thinking about it.

Otherwise, if you don’t know, only think you know, or outsource your thinking (to others who don’t know, only think they know or, even worse, to multi-million dollar media brainwashing campaigns)—the loop will stay open. And unsatisfied will remain the reality.

If you’re unsatisfied, rather than chasing forever fleeting desires, maybe spend more time in careful, reflective, reasoned thought.

Close the loop.

Published inArchivesThe Road To FreedomThinking Clearly