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Change Everything Without Changing Anything

Sounds like a contradiction, eh?

Well, with this one ingredient, you can change everything about your day while simultaneously changing nothing about your day.

What’s that ingredient you ask?


With intention, everything we do changes:

  • Have to go to work? Or get to go to work?
  • Mindlessly watching reels? Or curiously getting content ideas?
  • Rushing through traffic? Or taking a relaxing drive in-between tasks?
  • Speed-reading a book to hit a goal? Or reading carefully with the goal of understanding?
  • Playing a video game to escape emotion? Or playing a video game to rest your mind after a long, productive day?

Sprinkle a little intention into every task of your day and watch how everything changes without even one task being added or subtracted or moved.

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Published inArchivesBeing PresentLiving Well