When I think about learning piano… it feels daunting.
Like… there are so… many… keys…
But, then I remembered how good I am at typing.
…And how much smaller a key is on a keyboard vs a key on a piano.
…And it came back to me how I once felt daunted at the prospect of learning how to type without looking and with more than two fingers.
…And I realized that, today, I can type lightning fast, without looking, and with all of my fingers.
This is what people mean when they say perspective changes everything.
In the snap of my fingers I went from a feeling of hopelessness about learning something new to a self-confidence that’s not fluff based… but evidence based… that stands up against the tests and challenges of my ego as it tries to keep me confined within my comfort zone.
…And it really can happen that fast.
Inner work prompt: …What’s something that feels daunting to you in your life right now? Are there any evidence based experiences or scenarios that you can reference that might change your perspective on that?