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Don’t Ignore Your Call(s) For Humanity

We need to see the suffering in the world so that we can respond with compassion.

As in, we can’t turn a blind eye; we can’t hide in our cocoons of comfort; we can’t ignore our calls for humanity.

I reiterate: we need to see the suffering.

Otherwise, there will be no emotional reason for us to have any kind of response.

Emotion is triggered through experience. The closer the experience, the deeper the emotional feel. And the deeper the emotional feel, the more compassionate the response (I would hope).

We need to be the compassion for others that we so desperately wish was there for us (and our loved ones) when we were suffering.

And if you and your loved ones haven’t suffered all that much, then you are exactly the type of person who can stand to help others the most.

Open your eyes up to the world around you.

And respond with compassion.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference