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Busyness Battlefield

The busier I get, the more protective I get over my down time.

When you approach “busy time” with the same attitude you approach “idle time,” all of your time slowly gets infiltrated—because the easiest way to get more done is to fill more open time slots.

But, that’s not the way.

All busy and no idle makes us anxious, exhausted, and underperforming human beings.

Increasing busyness requires a proportional increase in boundary strength. For the way to get more done isn’t to try to sustain battling harder for longer.

…It’s to do what’s required to sharpen the sword of your mind before stepping foot onto that busyness battlefield—so that you’re maximally focused, energized, and prepared to slay each task that comes up along the way.

Be like the warrior when planning your schedule: the more intense the upcoming battle, the more that’s done to focus the mind.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly