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Being Yourself Comes First

If you’re having a hard time being yourself, rather than question yourself (what’s wrong with me?!), question everything else.

Being yourself shouldn’t require effort. It should never beget self-consciousness.

Being yourself should be effortless. It’s what comes from an absence of self-consciousness.

Being yourself is you in your raw, pure, and untainted state.

If what’s coming from you isn’t that—then it’s because of a factor that’s foreign to you.

That foreign element is making you (or has made you feel) reserved, fearful, and doubtful.

Question who or what that source might be (or has been):

  • Are you interacting with people who are hyper critical and demeaning?
  • Is the work you’re doing demanding that you act a certain kind of way?
  • Are you being influenced too heavily (brainwashed) by media and TV?

Once you’ve identified what foreign elements are causing you internal conflict—remove as many of those influences from your life as you can.

Anything that moves you away from yourself should be removed (or at least mitigated) from your life without hesitation.

And anything that makes you feel more yourself should be more included in your life without hesitation.

Nothing in life goes well when you’re not able to be yourself.

Being yourself comes first.

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly