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Be Karma

Today, I went to get the next phase of my tattoo done.

At the beginning of the appointment, my tattoo artist said he’d be right back and stepped out of the shop.

A minute later, he came back in and said he had to go back out and help an elderly gentlemen.

And about fifteen minutes after that, he returned with a drenched shirt and several apologies.

He told me he went outside to get a piece of gum and an elderly man asked him for help crossing the street and getting to the convenience store.

So, my tattoo artist obliged—not knowing it would take him as long as it did or that he’d get as wet as he did.

None-the-less, it was a great deed and we had a couple good laughs about it when he returned.

Some people might’ve gotten annoyed by this and complained about the fact that they were made to wait fifteen minutes.

But, what I tried to do was give him an even bigger tip at the end of our session than I think I otherwise would’ve.

Because when you have a chance to be karma—I say take it. Particularly when it comes to rewarding the good deeds people have done. And even better if you can do it anonymously.

I have no doubt that the universe would’ve taken care of him in due time—my tattoo artist is a really good dude. But, if I could’ve expedited the process a little, why not?

…Something maybe you can help us do more of, too?

P.s. 101 Ways you can help us “recalibrate” the world.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference