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Comfort Zone Homies

…Another time when due diligence is critical is when considering who to spend time with.

If you kind of lazily decide that whoever shows up first and just keeps showing up is good enough and you’re not going to do anything else about it on your part, then that’s about what you’ll get…

Keep your mind open, keep taking initiative to meet new folks, and be willing to step outside of your comfortable circle of connections, and you’ll get to make higher quality decisions because you’ll have a broader selection to choose from—leading you to make connections with those who are more likely great for you.

…Which, to be clear, isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with hanging out with comfort zone homies. They undoubtedly serve an invaluable role.

Rather, I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that we become a byproduct of the five people we spend the most time with. This is merely a prompt to think about who those five people are for you right now. And think about how you might spend more time with people who are going to pull you forward towards that better place—whatever that is for you.

…Do your due diligence.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Due Diligence

“You’re the first person to tell me they have another company coming to give an estimate in over two months of doing this with 70+ orders per week…”

This is what a sales associate told me after giving me a price quote for getting my garage door replaced.

He seemed surprised, as did the guy who represented a different company that came before him.

My intention is simple: to do my due diligence.

I want to hear them talk… I want to hear them comment on their company and competition… I want to see what kind of offers they have and if they’ll change anything after I tell them I have other companies coming… I want to see who I align with the most…

See, the first guy who came out was good. If I caved into my lazy nature and just went with him because it was more convenient, I’m sure I wouldn’t have regretted it.

But, the guy who came today was great. He saved me close to $600 by advising me against purchasing a new motor… something the other guy didn’t even check and just added to my quote because I said, “I guess I should because I’m getting a new door, right?”

Why share this story? To serve as a reminder to do your due diligence before making an expensive or long-term decision. When one is all you have to go off of, of course you’ll justify it. But, more gives you actual bases of comparison. And even if it doesn’t save you $600, it’ll give you a vibe that allows you to invest in the type of company (people) you’d love to see thrive.

Don’t Ignore Redundancies

Whenever I feel redundancies in my writing, I take it as a sign worth looking deeper into.

Either a) Like a re-occurring dream, there’s some deeper message or meaning worth exploring that requires some extra unpacking time or b) Like a broken record, I need to put on some “new music” and get my head wrapped around or expanded by something else.

This helps guide my next actions so that I can either break the cycle or break into new territory.

If you don’t write, it might be worth considering how this relates to your thinking.

Redundancy can carry as much weight as, if not even more than, the substance of the thoughts themselves. Pay attention to what your mind repeatedly flashes as being worth your attention. Ignoring it will only continue to prompt it. Understanding it is the only way you might (finally) grow from it.

P.s. 37 Robert A. Johnson Quotes from Inner Work To Convince You Dreams Aren’t Arbitrary

Your Life’s GPS Is At The Bottom Of The Pond

The problem with not looking inward and becoming aware of our thoughts is that it’s hard to adjust our life direction fluidly and in accordance with our innermost wisdom if we don’t.

And the problem with most of the thoughts we initially become aware of when we kind-of-try, is that they’re only the superficial layers. They’re the surface-of-the-pond-thoughts that are distorted by the viral videos, click-bait headlines, tabloid storylines, meaningless games, empty entertainment topics, and so on.

It’s as though our life’s GPS is at the bottom of our mind’s pond, facing upward, and we’re trying to read what it says, but we can’t see past the ripples, bubbles, and breaks in the water on the surface caused by the firehose impact of modern media.

We must sit. We must let the pond settle. We must focus our inward gaze on what’s being shown underneath. The answers are there. Our inner GPS is always working. It’s simply a matter of, can we read it? Or, maybe more appropriately, are we willing to do what’s necessary to bring it’s directions into view?

P.s. Looking for specific, actionable ideas that’ll help you understand your life’s direction? My 30-Day guide will help.

Sitting Plainly

One of the most impressive things I saw this week—maybe even this month—was two of my martial arts students sitting quietly and patiently in the school’s lobby, while their younger sister took class, without a single screen, device, game, toy, meal, snack, conversation, etc., to distract them, entertain them, or consume their attention.

How rare a sight it is to see not even just kids, but adults, sitting plainly, without anything to distract or entertain them while time passes by…

…It’s no wonder it’s so common for people of all ages to have attention disorders, poor self-esteem, crippling anxiety, non-clinical depression, stunted imaginations, and/or complicated/toxic relationships.

In my experience, it all boils down to the fact that so many people have such a hard time just sitting with themselves. Even for just 10 – 20 minutes out of a day.

…For it’s the sitting with ourselves that we’re able to heal our attention addictions, focus inwardly and less outwardly, calm our minds from the overstimulation, remove the hyper-comparisonism, free our imaginations, and/or stay fully present with the people in our presence.

Try it.

Just sit with yourself for 10-20 minutes a day. Stimulation-free. Watch what happens to your mind. Let the uncomfortable cravings to re-stimulate come and go. Drift slowly away from the modern day addictions. Allow yourself to turn inward and deepen the relationship you have with yourself. Enough with the unnecessary overstimulation from the world.

P.s. This post only emerged after I sat and stared at my computer screen for 43 unstimulated minutes. Good things come to those who are patient with themselves.

CPR for Life

Today I updated my certifications for CPR and using an AED.

We do CPR when a person is unconscious and not breathing so as to keep circulating blood throughout the body and oxygen moving in and out of the lungs to delay tissue death and organ failure until medical professionals can arrive.

Liken this to times in your life when you’ve felt metaphysically lost and like you metaphorically can’t breathe because of something awful that happened to you… and how sometimes, finding ways you can keep going through the motions of your regular, everyday life can be just as lifesaving.

CPR, however, isn’t something we do to ourselves—CPR is something we do to others.

The same in life.

When we see or sense that someone is metaphysically lost or are going through a really tough time… sometimes the best thing we can do is “manually” help them do the things they normally do on their own, but at that point in time and for whatever reason—can’t. Things like hang out with friends, go for walks, eat appropriate meals, exercise, have a night out, etc.

Which leads to my final point… like CPR, most anyone can do it. You just need to have a little bit of training, courage, compassion, and common sense.

Stay ready, y’all.

Somebody is going to need you one day…

The question is… will you be ready?

Don’t Think It’s Anything But Fragile

With the push of a button, someone from somewhere in the world can delete my entire online legacy.

Every post I’ve ever written…

Every idea I’ve ever shared…

Every interaction I’ve ever had…


With the push of one singular button.

It’s amazing to me how much of my life’s work is in as fragile of a state as that.

And yet… so it is with each of our lives.

With a single wrong turn, or a brief moment of disregard, or even the smallest of accidents… everything can be taken from us.

Don’t think that everything we have in life is anything BUT fragile.

It all is. And if we remember to treat it as such, maybe we’ll be a little more careful… and present… and grateful.

For it’s the very fact that it’s fragile that makes it all worth it.

P.s. This is my post from Thursday, July 11th.