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The full collection of explorations.

Holding On Vs Letting Go

The more you try to control something, the more it controls you.

The more you try to control someone, the more they control you.

The more you try to control in life, the more it all will control you.

The road to freedom has less to do with control and more to do with letting go.

If you want more freedom, rather than holding tightly to more, unclasp your grip and think about how you can hold on to less.

Not All Battles Are Fought With Fists

“Last week, a kid rode beside me while I ran, yelling ”Chinatown!” Today, a 2nd one rode by and spat on me. I’m shocked because they were with their parents, who didn’t say anything. I’m even more ashamed because I didn’t either. One day, I hope to be courageous enough to.”

Aletheia Délivré, Twitter

Courage isn’t cursing the kids who act disgustingly.

Courage isn’t forcing lessons down kids’ throats whose parents could care less.

Courage isn’t on-demand TED Talks on why you shouldn’t spit on others or use derogatory language.

Courage is far more versatile than that.

Courage is breaking the cycle of hate and deploying actions of love.

Courage is careful reflection and the igniting of hard-to-have conversations.

Courage is transforming the pain of life into something that can be gifted to others.

Let’s not pigeonhole courage into a one-size-fits-all box.

Each of us should fight our battles utilizing the unique strengths that have been gifted to us.

Writing is how I fight mine. And I suspect Aletheia’s tweet sent out more waves of support and acceptance than anything she could’ve said or done in the heat of those above mentioned, disgusting moments.

Nothing can be said to the ears of those who don’t want to hear.

But, to the ears that do?

When the right message makes its way to the ocean of ears who do care, are willing to support a just cause, and have the conviction to unite and fight?

The result may very well match the might of the ocean herself.

And to you, Aletheia, who did absolutely nothing wrong, hold your head up high and keep fighting the good fight. You have nothing to be ashamed of and everything to look forward to. You’ll become better from this. And so, too, will the world.

Hope Is Not A Strategy

Hope is not a strategy.

  • “Hopefully, I’ll wake up on time.”
  • “Hopefully, I won’t get too busy.”
  • “Hopefully, I’ll do better tomorrow.”

Strategy is action-oriented.

  • “Here’s how I’m going to wake up on time.”
  • “Here’s how I’ll manage my tasks.”
  • “Here’s how I’ll do better.”

Hoping for change is about as helpful as praying for luck—it isn’t strategy, it’s lazy.

Even if change did happen luckily, wouldn’t you prefer to be the cause of change in your life? Rather than supernatural forces and serendipity doing the work for you?

The most successful among us don’t rely on hope or luck, they act. Will you?

Moving Forward In Darkness And In Light

Observing—even learning from—other people’s mistakes can illuminate a path forward for you.

But, having your path illuminated is much different than trudging through the darkness yourself.

Use both to keep moving forward, but don’t expect one to act as a substitute for the other.

Some lessons can only be learned in the dark. And some roads are too hazardous to travel without light.

Don’t Offend The Universe

It took us 13.8 billion years to get to today.

And you’re gonna waste it on…?

Complaining? Overthinking? Hating?

The universe is offended.

Let’s use this small slice of eternity in the most grateful, thoughtful, loving way(s) we can.

No waste.

When Arguments Are Needed

With vulnerability and authenticity, arguments aren’t needed—genuine connection happens seamlessly.

When walls are built around emotions and facades cover feelings, arguments act as the storms that tear down those “fronts” to finally expose what’s fortified underneath:

Vulnerability and authenticity.

Where Best Moments Come

I find that the best moments often closely follow the worst ones.

  • The moments of compassion that closely follow pain.
  • The moments of gratitude that closely follow grieving.
  • The moments of redemption that closely follow injustice.
  • The moments of decision that closely follow breaking points.
  • The moments of vulnerability that closely follow heated arguments.
  • The moments of presence that closely follow run ins with death.

If you find yourself in some of your worst moments, hang on. Allow the depth of the experience to move through you. Let it deepen your roots into the ground.

Remember that, eventually, your worst moments will be no more. They will pass as all moments do—best and worst alike. And, more solid into the ground, you will be able to reach higher into the sky than ever before.

How do I know this? Because it’s how great heights are only ever reached. Not in spite of the worst moments—as a result of them. Not without deepened roots—precisely because of them.