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The full collection of explorations.

The *Real* Key

Sometimes, standing between you and your next level of growth is a locked door.

And quickly trying to kick it down doesn’t work (like it might for some other doors).

No. This door, needs the right key.

But, which one is it?

We’re told all of the time that:

  • Consistency is key.
  • Humility is key.
  • Gratitude is key.
  • Self-awareness is key.
  • Patience is key.

How to know which one is the real key?

Well, there’s only one way to find out.

Try each.

Here’s the thing: all of these keys are easily accessible and free for you to use. Heck, you can even add each of them to your key ring and use them daily if you’re up to it.

The real key is to stop trying to rashly kick down doors and to use what’s right in your hands.

Important Big > Urgent Little

When you solve the big problems what you might find is that the little problems take care of themselves.

Like, when you solve sleep.

Suddenly, you won’t need to spend so much time thinking about snoozing, caffeine, being late, battling fatigue, managing grumpy moods, hiding bags under your eyes, etc.

Or, when you solve healthy habits.

Suddenly, you won’t spend so much of your day feeling like crap, thinking about your weight, battling your lazy mind, trying to hide your body, figuring out how to treat symptoms, considering fad diets, trying out trendy workouts, questioning your self-worth, etc.

Or, when you solve gratitude.

Suddenly, you won’t feel like you’re constantly in a state of lack; like you need to hustle for more money; like you need to beat the people you’re comparing yourself to; like you need to buy the latest and greatest; like happiness is forever on the other side of a fleeting finish line.

Don’t let the urgent little overtake the important big.

Talking, Edited

Writers block is a real problem for many people. But, talkers block? It isn’t even a thing.

Well, what is writing but talking, edited?

If you try to turn your writing into something that sounds completely foreign to how you talk—of course it’s going to be a real problem.

You’re trying to write down words in a way you’d never usually use them.

Don’t do that.

Write how you talk.

Then, after you’ve said all that you can think to say—edit. Make it better. Cut out the fluff. Reorganize what you said for clarity. Give your trains of thought some tracks.

Authenticity is what makes great writing great—not fancy words and complex grammar application.

Commit to being more yourself in your writing and suddenly, writers block disappears.

Because what’s blocking you from writing isn’t the words you could say (I’m sure there’s plenty you could say about any given topic), it’s the pseudo-persona you’re trying to embody when it comes time to write.

Protect Your Center

People are going to judge.

Let them.

People are going to gossip.

Let them.

People are going to hate.

Let them.

DON’T, however, let them steal your center.

For when you let them steal your center, you lose your clarity.

And it’s when you’ve lost your clarity that you begin judging, gossiping and hating all the same.

The Weight Of Heaviness

Heaviness doesn’t get lighter with time—it gets heavier.

You might try to trick your mind into ignoring, suppressing, or avoiding its heaviness—but that doesn’t change it’s weight. It only increases the time you’re holding it for.

Which, counterproductively, makes it heavier.

This all might sound relatively straightforward, but what about what weighs on your mind?

Hard conversations might be avoided, but they carry on within your mind—until they’re finally had.

Trauma might be suppressed, but only to the pit of your stomach—until it’s finally given the attention it needs.

You might cleverly distract your mind from facing your toughest problems, but as soon as you’re no longer distracted, there they are.

Want to lighten your load? Face the heaviness. Have the hard conversation. Confront the trauma. Face the tough problems.

It takes a lot of energy to carry around heavy shit.

But, when you face it, while it might be heavy upfront, you can finally free yourself from the increased heaviness that comes with time.

For good.

You’ve Been Hacked

My friend’s Instagram got hacked.

She had 27k followers.

Then, get this, the hackers messaged her on WhatsApp asking for a ransom.

There are people out there who actually do this.

This is simply to say:

  • Protect your accounts
  • Never give out passwords
  • Choose extra security options

Pretend like all of your accounts just got hacked and you lost everything you’ve built.

You lost all of your connections and you had no way of communicating with anyone on social media.

If you really want to feel that reality, delete all social media apps on your phone for the next week.

See how it feels.

Then, imagine you finally got them back after a ton of back-and-forth and pain-in-the-butt customer service interactions.

What steps would you take to prevent that from ever happening again?

Do that now.