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The full collection of explorations.

No Care.

We were born needing care
and we'll die needing care.

But, let's not forget
that what happens in between
shouldn't be no care.

For not needing care
doesn't mean care
is not needed.

When more people who care show up
living feels infinitely less unfair.

Go Already.

Starting a stopped body is hard.

Keeping a body in motion is easier.

Even if that motion is heading in the wrong direction.

Redirecting is easier than starting.

Which is why you should start even without knowing which direction is the perfect direction to head. You can always turn the steering wheel as you go. It’s really no big deal.

Just do what’s hard, start your damn engine, and get going already.

Planning “Nothing” Into Your Days

When you stop the intake of information you give your mind the space it needs to process the information it has already taken in.

Never stopping the influx of information is like continuing to open new tabs on new tabs on new tabs in your browser.

Soon, the clutter overwhelms the machine and everything gets throttled. And, resultantly, you get frustrated, angry, and/or upset.

Rather than getting emotional at your computer—try closing yourself off to all inputs.

Stop opening new tabs. Stop watching videos. Stop having conversations. Stop reading books and articles. Stop listening to podcasts. Just, stop it all.

At least for a period of time. And at least once a day.

Just, let it all—settle.

In more cases than not, what your mind needs isn’t more information; what it needs is more space to process the excessive information it has already consumed.

In short, what you need is to plan more nothing into your days.

The Color Of Actions

Life isn’t only a byproduct of what you do—it’s a byproduct of how you do what you do.

Take writing as an example. A book isn’t only a byproduct of the words that are used.

It’s a byproduct of how those words are arranged; how they are grammatically formatted; and how well they work together to communicate ideas.

If you took all of the words within War And Peace, for example, and rearranged them, changed the grammar, and disregarded the context—one of the all-time greats will be completely lost.

Same exact words. Completely different byproduct.

And so it is with life, too. What you do matters—yes. Just like what words you pick when writing a book matters. But, you can’t ignore the how.

How are you doing what you’re doing? Are you present or elsewhere? Do you care or are you only pretending to care? Are you pacing yourself or sprinting? Are you being true to who you are or are you putting up a front? Are your priorities really straight or are they actually backwards? Are you acting selfishly or selflessly?

The bottom line? Actions matter. But, don’t forget that intent colors actions with signals that are easily perceived by those whom the actions affect.

Asking For Help

Asking questions doesn’t make you a fool; it’s you refusing to become a fool.

Seeking a coach isn’t a sign of incompetence; it’s you refusing to become incompetent.

Talking to a therapist isn’t an admission of poor mental health; it’s you refusing to let your mental health get to a poor state.

Asking for help isn’t you giving up, it’s you refusing to give up.

Towards Lower Guards

People generally move through life with their guard up.

They know what it’s like to be hit and shell themselves from the possibility of getting hit again.

Acting in hate, anger, rage only reinforces this fear and makes the world a harder place.

For them; for you; for all of us.

What we need is more people who can act in love, patience, and compassion.

People who can prove to us that we don’t always need to have our guard up so high.

People who can help soften the texture of this otherwise hard, hard world.

You Don’t Win By Joining The Opposing Team

The best way to beat a liar is to not be like one.

The best way to beat a cheater is to not be like one.

The best way to beat a bully is to not be like one.

For as soon as you act like one, you’ve become one.

And to have become one is to have joined forces with the opposing team.