Every interaction is an opportunity:
- To choose kindness > cruelty
- To choose connection > division
- To choose grace > haste
I hope you’ll fully capitalize on the bountiful opportunities of your day.
The full collection of explorations.
Every interaction is an opportunity:
I hope you’ll fully capitalize on the bountiful opportunities of your day.
Unless you understand every single aspect of another person’s life, stop judging.
Instead, take that judgmental energy and turn it towards yourself.
Get your own thoughts, actions, and intentions perfectly aligned before you bicker, demean, and tear down others.
Self-discipline is the crux of all lifestyle change.
Strategies, tactics, and techniques are mostly irrelevant without it.
Why? Because without self-discipline, they will eventually falter.
Self-discipline is precisely what’s needed when the going gets hard (which it will).
Self-discipline is precisely what’s needed when you face the fork in the road between: do it even though you don’t want to and let the ego come up with a totally viable and believable excuse so you don’t have to.
Self-discipline is precisely the difference between sticking the next move of the climb and falling from the boulder back to where you started.
Don’t “try” to be original.
You already are original.
Just surrender to your originality.
And stop trying to force what’s already there.
The quality of your life is a byproduct of your standards and how well you hold yourself to them.
If you want to live your best life, you have to hold yourself to your best (realistic) standards.
This isn’t to say you can’t update and revise your standards as you grow, change, and mature.
It’s merely to say, if you don’t have standards set then anything will do.
And living your best life isn’t something that happens where anything will do.
You know what time it is?
—A great time to relax that mind of yours.
Stop what you’re doing and name out:
Ground yourself into the present moment and enjoy the beauty that’s already here.
I had the pleasure of hearing Aminatta Forna (7x Author) speak at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo, NY on Thursday, October 14th, 2021.
One of my favorite questions from the night was: “How do you know when a piece is done?”
Her reply: “It’s never done. But, when you can’t stand looking at it anymore, then it’s time.”