One of the most beautiful things you can do when you’re overly emotional is carefully describe what it is you’re feeling.
Not only does this practice help you, but your account may carve a doorway where, for another, existed nothing but walls.
The full collection of explorations.
One of the most beautiful things you can do when you’re overly emotional is carefully describe what it is you’re feeling.
Not only does this practice help you, but your account may carve a doorway where, for another, existed nothing but walls.
Something you should know about fear:
The bigger it is, the more ignorant it is to your strength.
Fear subsides in proportion to the size of your *known* inner strength.
Something you should know about inner strength:
You have way more of it than you realize.
The size of your love for another Isn’t equal to the size of love the other receives The most beautiful love letter ever written Pales in comparison to a simple hug from the one that’s right If there’s anything I’ve learned from love in this life It’s that love, like death, isn’t something you get to decide
The reason most people have a hard time with discipline is because they choose not to take small, easy, confidence-building steps.
THIS is what makes discipline hard.
If you want to make discipline easy—you have to make the daily steps easy.
Otherwise, doing the tasks that require discipline will always look gigantic, daunting, and intimidating.
This isn’t the path to a disciplined life.
Want to improve everything in your life?
Add mindfulness to it.
This came to me while lifting weights.
When I’m mindless, I’m focused on vanity metrics (e.g. how heavy can I go).
When I’m mindful, I’m focused on real metrics (e.g. how clean can I perform the move).
And being focused on clean form will result in far more benefit than being focused on sheer weight. Because the problem with “heavy as possible” is that, in most cases, the result is “cheating the reps.”
Either range of motion is shortened, momentum is counterproductively used, or bodily adjustments are made to make the movement “easier” by incorporating more muscle groups (that aren’t designed to be involved in the lifts).
Mindfulness makes us aware of these cheating tactics and reminds us to use lighter weights so that we can use full range of motion that’s free of momentum and is focused exclusively on the muscle groups that are being specifically targeted.
So, too, are the benefits of mindfulness evident in every other area of life:
Mindfulness brings full presence to each task. And if the task is worth doing, you might as well do it right. Otherwise, why do it at all?
The future is not “lost.”
We are not “hopeless.”
We are incredibly passionate, resilient, and innovative.
What we need isn’t a defeatist mentality.
What we need are more people to come alive and realize the impact their individual actions can have on the greater whole.
Don’t be scared of bad judgment.
It’s where all of your good judgment comes from.
Be scared of not exercising your judgment at all.
It’s where bad judgment remains unchanged.