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The full collection of explorations.

The Pre-Req To Connection

The solution to loneliness isn’t exotic destinations.

…It’s connection.

And connection happens when you say to the world: “This is who I am.”

Rather than waiting for the world to notice you and, at best, say: “This is who you’re going to be.”

Because how can anyone else connect with you if you aren’t first connected with yourself?

What Are You Measuring?

  • Inches?
  • Pounds?
  • Followers?

Have you ever considered measuring things like:

  • Connection?
  • Presence?
  • Laughter?

Because here’s the reality: what you measure is what’ll get your focus.

And what gets your focus gets your time, energy, and attention.

…In other words: your life.

So, the more focused you are on measuring any one particular thing, the more of your life that one particular thing will consume.

And if that’s true then I’m sure you can already see where I’m going with this.

Measure your life in how you would most love to live it—and let your time, energy, and attention flow into those things as much as you can afford.

Because a life measured in measuring tapes, scales, and social media clicks certainly isn’t equal to a life measured in deep connections, belly laughs, and moments of presence.

Don’t Skip Leg Day

Today was heavy squat day at the gym.

Family travel, however, interrupted the normal routine.

So, after driving 6 hours and settling in to my destination location—I got creative.

I ran an elevated pace mile, did 100 jump squats, and 50 lunges.

This is a good example of what “firm in resolve; flexible in approach” looks like.

Life will happen.

Find other ways to make your top priority tasks happen when it does.

Playing To Win

Nobody sets out to lose.

Winning is—in some way/shape/or form—the goal for all of us.

Ironically enough, not winning is often the best means to winning.

It challenges us, humbles us, evokes curiosity, and introduces us to grit—if we channel it.

If we don’t, not winning can lead to discouragement, self-doubt, and result in surrender.

And what most people will say with this insight is: never surrender; persevere; don’t give up; channel losses into fuel; ignore self-doubt etc.

Worth considering, however: if you want to start winning more, maybe the trick isn’t to force yourself to ignore feelings of discouragement, self-doubt, and surrender.

Maybe the trick to winning more is to define for yourself a game where the natural byproduct of “not winning” is humility, curiosity, and grit.

Because what you need to always consider is that you may be playing the wrong game.

When you align your aptitudes, abilities, and interests with the right type of challenge/ game, the question of “how can I motivate myself to keep going” dissolves.

And the question that quickly appears in its place is “how can I stop myself from playing this game so much so that I can eat food, interact with humans, and get more sleep.”

Becoming An Influencer

Leadership is not something that’s reserved for certain people with certain titles in certain positions.

Leadership is influence. Period.

And we aren’t capable of interacting with people without influencing them in some way, shape, or form (for better and for worse).

Which means, if you interact with people, you’re a leader (yes, you).

If you don’t see yourself as a leader, maybe now is a good time to start.

Because maybe it’s this limiting belief that you’re not a leader that’s precisely what’s holding you back from leveling up in your life.

Because higher positions of leadership (influence) aren’t reserved for those who shrink to the roles they’re currently in.

Higher positions of leadership are reserved for those who outgrow their smaller roles.

Happiness Masks

Superficial happiness is a smiling mask that’s put over an unhappy face.

It can be quite convincing, too.

Not because people aren’t good at distinguishing masks versus faces—but because most people are wearing masks themselves.

And calling out your mask puts into question the mask they’re wearing.

…And most of us don’t want to talk about the face that’s hidden under our masks.

It’s precisely why we put masks on in the first place.

And so we carry on smiling and nodding at other people’s masks while we discreetly hide our upset and frown through our own. And that becomes a sort of accepted and forgotten about norm.

Every now and again though, we sit down with a person and they actually take their mask off.

Not to burden us. Not to complain. Not to shower sadness on our superficial happiness.

But, to share what’s real. To express something deeper than a portrayal of happiness. To give their vulnerabilities some space to breathe out from under the tight compression of plastic pressed up against their cheeks and forehead.

And what’s interesting is that the people who tend to wear their happiness masks less, and are able to share and express what’s real to them more, are often the ones who experience deeper joy as a result.

Because the byproduct of wearing a superficial mask of happiness—isn’t happiness.

Happiness is the byproduct of connecting more deeply to (and better understanding) ourselves.

Making Beauty

A beautiful home isn’t something that happens—it’s something you make happen.

A beautiful mindset isn’t something that happens—it’s something you make happen.

A beautiful life isn’t something that happens—it’s something you make happen.

If you let life happen to you, the byproduct will be a mess—for life always moves towards chaos.

Beauty is the byproduct of taking those given messes and turning them into something you can be proud of.