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The full collection of explorations.

Onto The Endless List

Do not think that today will come without challenges.

To think so would be naive and in contradiction to the countless challenging days that have come before.


Instead, think that today’s challenges will be met with the inner strength, resilience, and resolve that has helped you overcome the endless list of the challenges that have come at you before.

And with this… head into your day with your posture straight, mindset ready, and smile on for whichever sorry challenge makes its way onto your path first.

Because onto that endless list it too shall go.

P.s. I’m giving away the first 3 meditations from my new guide away for free to anyone who shares it—on social media or wherever. If this is you and I missed you, reply to this email and I’ll send them to you asap! And if you don’t really do social media, reply and I’ll send them to you anyway :)

Specific Gratitude

The more specific you can be with your gratitude, the more impactful it will be.

Specificity requires a more careful, deep thought process which naturally challenges you to spend more time and pull from deeper parts inside of yourself. General gratitude happens in less time and from a more peripheral area which naturally makes it less impactful and more fleeting.

“I’m thankful for my spouse,” for example, is not the same as “I’m thankful for the effort my spouse puts into making me feel seen and heard—from the way they lock eye contact to the way they silently nod and let me finish my complete train of thought to the way they respond deliberately and elegantly.”

There’s no denying the impact of any and all practiced gratitude.

Specificity, however, is how you unleash the power of gratitude in full.

P.s. I’m so incredibly grateful for the support I received in the launch of my first ever digital product—from the purchases, to the shares, to the reviews, to the comments, to the just plain great vibes… it was an overwhelmingly positive day and I am deeply grateful for each of you who contributed to it. You know who you are. Thank you :)

My First EVER Digital Product

Drumroll pleaseeeeee…

I’ve been creating content online since 2010 and have been waiting a LONG time for this day.

The day when I get to confidently release a product that I’m damn proud of… one where no short-cuts were taken… one that I’m confident will change the direction of people’s lives in a way that my free content won’t…

And so, without further ado, here it is:

The Art of Forward: Direction > Speed

Build Unshakable Confidence In Your Life’s Direction In 30 Days—Without Spending Thousands ($$$$) On Life Coaching…

The idea: Fast is the modern day default… Fast in the wrong direction can end up being one of your life’s greatest regrets. This guide was designed to help you build unshakable confidence in your life’s direction without the HUGE price tag.

What you get:

  • (30) 1-Page Meditations
  • (30) Direction-Altering Action Steps
  • (30) Beautiful/ Downloadable Illustrations

Who’s it for? The person who sometimes questions the direction of their life. The person who isn’t 100% sure about how they even ended up moving in the direction they are. The person who sometimes gets the feeling that there’s more to life—more to themself—than they’ve been able to cultivate and realize… and who knows, deep down, that either they’re being held back or are holding themself back…

Want to learn more? Everything you need to know is here

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Whether this is your first or 500th email from me—I really appreciate each of you. I’m on cloud 9 today :)

Aim For Direction

The goal isn’t healed—it’s to move towards healing.

The goal isn’t perfection—it’s to move towards excellence.

The goal isn’t detached—it’s to move towards non-attachment.

The goal isn’t unemotional—it’s to improve emotional intelligence.

The goal isn’t done—it’s to move towards a finish that has a rewarding path.

Aiming at unarrivable destinations can be quite frustrating… try aiming for a better direction instead.

P.s. Tomorrow (1/12) at 10am EST I will be releasing my first ever digital guide! In it, I’ll help you build unwavering confidence in your life’s direction in just 30 days. It’s powerful, concise, and beautifully illustrated. I can’t wait to share it with you. Full details will be sent tomorrow!

What’s enough?

There’s no universal answer. But, if you’re able to:

  • Flip a switch for instant electric
  • Turn a knob for instant fresh water
  • Call loved ones and chat for no reason
  • Big toe a pedal for traveling speeds of 70+mph
  • Tap a phone for instant connection to unlimited knowledge

I’d say you’re doing pretty damn well.

P.s. My first digital product is DONE. I will be releasing it this Thursday (1/12) at 10am. I’m ecstatic. Stay tuned. 😬

Easing Into The Unfamiliar

Regardless of how awful your current reality is—you’re likely going to stay in it until you can find a way to make a different reality familiar.

Because even though our current reality might be awful, it’s what we know… which, in a weird way, makes it comfortable.

The scary thing about the unfamiliar is that it could lead to a far worse reality… greater discomfort… and even more awful. You have no idea, right?

But, it could also lead to the opposite.

What helps in transitioning from awful to better is a patient focus on simply showing up, gently trying new situations out, and giving these unknowns a generous chance.

The more we can familiarize ourself with a new, potentially better reality—the less likely we will be to settle into a reality that’s life suffocating and far below what we know we deserve.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

The Opportunity In Loss

Everything we lose in life leaves with it a space.

  • Lost love
  • Lost work
  • Lost friends

…For a while, it’ll probably be an uncomfortable space.

But slowly… eventually… you’ll start to see that space as something of a blank slate.

And slowly… eventually… you’ll realize what you have inside is everything you need to paint a new (even better) masterpiece.