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The full collection of explorations.

What’s Your Frustration Tolerance?

In basketball, I usually match up against the same few players each week.

And it gets frustrating because as I get better… so do they.

It wasn’t until I played today against someone who rarely plays that I realized how much better I’ve gotten.

This isn’t to pat myself on the back.

It’s a reminder that while frustration can be an overwhelming emotion that often leads to quitting… it’s also an incredibly important signal that’s telling you you’re in that uncomfortable zone that often leads to growth.

Those who can tolerate frustration the longest are almost always the ones who advance the furthest.

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Becoming A Parent Energy

One of my best friends became a father today.

And my guess is that it was filled with some of the most present, wholesome, transcendental moments of his entire life.

…Imagine if we could harness this same kind of awe, attention, and energy into more of the moments of our days.

…Because the crazy thing is: we can.

Leadership Isn’t About Answers

In regards to leading others, one lesson I’m realizing more and more is that it has so much less to do with giving answers and so much more to do with asking better questions, presenting interesting ideas, creating space for connection and creativity, acting as a source for accountability, being the one who goes first, and encouraging others to take opportunities that they otherwise might not know about or feel good enough to do.

…Because, man, leadership becomes so much easier when you realize you don’t always have to have all the answers.

Each Moment Is A Repetition

I read a great line by James Clear today that said, “If we consider each moment a ‘repetition,’ what are most people training for all day?”

Some, I’d say, are training to become angry keyboard warriors.

Others, I’d say, are training to become professional self-sabotagers.

And there are plenty who it’d appear are training to become full-time spectators.

…This is an excellent question to integrate into your mindfulness practice.

Maybe add a random alarm on your phone or do a daily check-in at a specific time and ask yourself, “What am I training for—what am I getting repetitions in for—in this moment?”

…Are you reinforcing a message of self-doubt or a message of confidence and courage?

…Are you reinforcing a behavior of knee-jerk anger or calm removal from anger-inducing situations?

Are you casting votes for being a life spectator or a life participant?

…Because one thing is for sure, our life is built on moments. One moment at a time, one building block at a time, we choose how we construct the building that is our life. The question is… what kind of quality are you getting from each of those moments?

I Really Need To Follow My Own Advice

I started 2024 with a brainstormed list of five things I wanted to start prioritizing and said, “Pick one thing to focus 100% of your energy on. None of it ever works out to be as easy as it seems in your mind. Try to do too much and you’ll fail at it all. Get an A+ in one and you’ll be well on your way to properly conquering them all.”

So, naturally, I picked three things and made them my 2024 goals.

And, lo and behold, I didn’t accomplish any of them.

Who would’ve thought that picking one goal and focusing 100% of my energy on it would’ve been a better strategy?

…This is what I mean when I say I write these blogs for me more than any one else. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Anyways… what’s interesting is that in the second half of the year, I felt a noticeable pull towards creating a poster store and expanding the MoveMe Quotes shop into something more intriguing—which was one of my brainstormed ideas at the outset.

And what’s crazy is I can remember having this same pull towards building a poster store when I was picking from that original brainstormed list! …But, instead of listen, I told myself that new 30-day guides and video courses would be a more powerful value add to my audience and ignored it.

And lo and behold… here I am.

…Concluding 2024 with none of the three original goals accomplished and a poster store and expanded MMQ shop created.

A reminder to you (but, mostly me)… to listen more closely to the whispers of your inner guidance.

Fighting and suppressing its insight only ever delays the inevitable.

Angry Texts

I really wanted to send an angry text.

I was angry. But, it was also almost 11pm.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned from sending angry texts, it’s that sending them when you’re at peak anger is rarely a good idea.

Do it at or around 11pm and you might as well set up studio speakers on either side of your pillows and blast screamo music all night because that’s what your mind will be doing all night after you hit “send” anyway.

It’s best to send angry texts when you’re calm.

…When the noise of the loudest emotions have been given time to settle and quiet. When the clarity of your thoughts have been given time to emerge. When the tone of your voice has gone from screamo to “I’m just disappointed because…”

Not to mention the fact that right before bed is the point at which you’re the lowest on energy than at any other point throughout the day and angry conversations likely require more energy than any other conversation you’ve had up until that point.

Better might be to just leave it alone for the night.

…To grab a book and get lost in the life of another.

…To read until your eyes unwillingly shut, to get as good of a sleep as you’re able, and to revisit the situation in the morning when you’re seeing things afresh and have renewed energy to engage in complicated matters like anger.

Heck… what you might even realize is that the text isn’t worth sending at all because your inner peace is better than most of the replies you could ever hope to get from an angry text anyway.

I Was Being Selfish

There’s a major martial arts tournament happening this upcoming weekend in Toronto, Canada.

And one of the biggest draws for this tournament is that they’re offering around 15-20 full one hour seminars with the best of the best in the sports martial arts world—that are all FREE for competitors.

Recognizing the unbelievable value in this, I immediately started to make plans where I could go for the seminars and have my instructors cover for me (teaching classes at our martial arts school), and then come back to run the school and cover for them while they went down to compete.

But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized… I was being selfish.

I wanted to go to the seminars so that I could come back and teach them all that I learned—and be the bearer of knowledge.

When really, I should be taking myself out as the middle man and allowing them to go and get the information first hand. They’re the ones who are competing and they’re the ones who are on the “come up” part of their journey.

I’ve had my time to compete in these tournaments and attend these types of seminars. It’s time for me to check my ego and humbly step aside so they can experience what I fell in love with first hand.

And besides, even if I retaught every seminar verbatim when I got back, it still wouldn’t be anything like the original experience. First hand learning will always blow second hand learning out of the water.

…And if I (we) really cared about our team’s growth, we’d be willing to make some sacrifices to prove it.