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All That Remains

Gratitude notes from the Buffalo Blizzard:

  • No power… has been a great chance to catch up on reading
  • Whiteout conditions for 12+ hours (so far)… has made me really appreciate this roof
  • A 50º F House… has made coats, blankets, and hot drinks an absolute luxury

Losing things is an excellent reminder that everything we have is temporary. One day, we’re going to lose it all. This isn’t meant to be a gloomy thought. Just a reminder to be truly thankful for all that we have while it’s still here… And for all that remains when we do, in fact, lose some of what we gained along the way.

P.s. Thinking hits different next to candlelight than it does in LEDs… thankful for those deep, reflective-type thoughts coming in hot from candlelight tonight.

Published inArchivesFeeling FulfilledLiving Well