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All In Flight [Poem]

I can’t help
But look away
And turn completely
After looking directly
At light so bright

I can’t help
But bounce back
And stumble clumsily
After two-stepping into beauty
That radiates depth in spite

Even as I fight
I’m just not ready
To soul gaze with infinity
To rhythmically move
Open my heart
And forget the better in sight

Until I lock into you
It takes everything I’ve got
I bear the brightness
Withstand the inner storm
Your forcefield now a black hole
We couldn’t have been more tight

I’m captivated later
By the image of dancing feet
Nothing I felt up there
Existed down here
Where all seemed equal
Just one interrelated energy

—All in flight.

P.s. You can read my other poems here.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love