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A Toast…

Inspired by a quote shared with me by a friend, I propose a toast.

The holidays aren’t an easy time for many, so as we undergo the next few days let us…

Mend a quarrel. Life is too short.

Seek out a forgotten friend. There’s no greater feeling than that of feeling seen and heard.

Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Somebody has to give first. Let it be you.

Write a letter or send a text to someone to let them know you’re thinking about them.

Give conversation some grace and reply with fun, light-hearted, compassionate answers.

Encourage youth and be a true model of the holiday spirit.

Follow through with what you say you’re going to do. Keep a promise. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.

Forgo a grudge. There’s no better time than today to call a truce. And maybe not even for them, but for you.

Forgive an enemy. Fill your heart with love.


Seek first to understand. Listen fully before you reply.

Think first of someone else.

Be kind.

Be gentle.

Laugh a little more. Judge a little less.

Express your gratitude. Thinking gratitude only robs it if it’s true power.

Welcome a stranger. Include an outsider. Invite a loner.

Gladden the heart of a child. With things other than things.

Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. We’ll never get to experience it again the way we will today.

Speak your love and then speak it again.

Much love to each of you and may the true spirit of the holidays live fruitfully through you.


Published inArchivesBeing Action OrientedLiving Well