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A Hard To Grasp Truth About Fitness:

What some people can do to stay fit isn’t what you might have to do to stay fit.

Remember this when others are:

  • Eating what you won’t
  • Skipping workouts when you can’t
  • Drinking what you shouldn’t
  • Choosing lethargy when you couldn’t

It’s easy to want to respond with resentment, envy, jealousy, even hatred.

This does nothing, however, for your fitness or mental health.

And that which doesn’t serve you, shouldn’t be served up by you.

Harder would be to respond with curiosity, strength, willpower, even love.

Love for the challenge; love for the insight; love for the connection; love for the growth.

Those who get it easy don’t get the depth that comes from overcoming the hard.

Published inArchivesDoing What's HardLiving Well