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A “Boring” Life

A “boring” life isn’t a byproduct of doing the same tasks every day.

A “boring” life is a byproduct of thinking the same thoughts every day.

Boring is a state of mind—not a state of tasks.

Sure, adventurous lifestyles might beget an “exciting” life—but, that’s only because it forces new, “exciting” thoughts. It’s important to remember that this is not the only path to an “exciting” life.

If we can learn how to excite our state of mind, we can learn how to excite our lives—period.

And the prerequisite for this is not financial freedom, plane tickets across the globe, and #vanlife.

The path to an exciting mind (and life) is only limited by our curiosities and resourcefulness. Are we willing to invest the time required to identify our curiosities? How about explore those curiosities? How about write about/ talk about/ create stuff about those curiosities?

Don’t make an “exciting” life into something more than it is.

The “exciting” life is available to each of us, right where we are—now.

Published inArchivesPerception Is RealityThinking Clearly