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A Better Fill

One of the reasons people fear death is they won’t be able to see what happens next.

…They won’t get to see their families grow up.

…They won’t get to see the impact of their work.

…They won’t get to see how technology develops and what the future will behold.

And yet… so many of us just turn on the TV and try and forget about it all, all of the time, anyway.

One of the beautiful things about being here right now… is we get to actively see what’s happening next.

…We get to witness the things our ancestors so deeply wished they’d be able to see.

…We get to see our families grow up.

…We get to see the impact of our work.

…We get to see the impact of technology on our ever developing world.

Maybe if we invested more time into really seeing... into noticing from a place of presence… into soaking it all in minus the distractions…

…Maybe we’d get a better fill of what we’ve been miraculously granted the ability to see… and have less fear about not seeing every single bit of it when it comes time for us to finally close our eyes.

P.s. Want to live a life with less regret? My guide will help.

Published inArchivesBeing PresentLiving Well