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Relationship Advice From A Single Guy

I attended a wedding today.

At the venue, there was a Jenga set up with sharpies scattered around and a note on display saying “Leave your words of advice for the newlyweds here.”

Next to me was a good friend who joking said, “You can’t write anything—you’re single!”

The thing about relationships though, that I was thinking about after the fact, is that you don’t need to be in a relationship to give relationship advice per se. Because even us single folk have a ton of experience managing the relationship we have with the person more important than any spouse or soulmate… the one we have with ourself.

If you’re mindful of your inner landscape, are consistently trying to find ways to improve that landscape, and are reflective towards the ups and downs and how to keep moving forward in spite of it all… the insight you gain can be just as valuable—if not more so—than the insight you might gain from being mindful of another person’s inner landscape, the strategies you’ve found that can help improve that other person’s inner workings, and the reflections you might’ve gained from the relationship’s ups and downs along the way.

After all, one of the best indicator’s of a relationship’s success—between two people—is the success of the relationship each person has with him/herself.

…Or maybe I’m just some naive single guy who has no idea what he’s talking about.

But, I digress.

P.s. If you’re wondering what I wrote on the Jenga piece (I obviously wrote something)—I said: “Like Jenga, all great things are built one brick at a time… never forget to keep laying bricks.”

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love