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Three Birthday Lessons

Today is my birthday.

And as I reflect on this last year, there are a few lessons that stand out as highlight themes:

  • Slow down. Faster isn’t better. In almost every case, with everyday living as the subject, slower is better. Because slower calms our body, which calms our mind, which calms our spirit. And a calm spirit is a more present spirit. And if we’re not present for life, then what the hell is the point?
  • No hesitation. Whenever I find myself on the fence about a thing I know I should do and the thing my ego wants me to do (e.g. household chores vs create AI art), I speak “No hesitation” into my mind as a mantra and react appropriately asap. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from building habits, it’s that the larger the gap is between fence-thought and response, the less likely I am to do it.
  • Take more shots. This past year I created my first ever digital product (something that imposter syndrome stopped me from doing for over a decade prior); I’ve joined a handful of new classes / activities so as to meet new people and reengage in activities as a beginner (e.g. basketball, modern arnis, yoga, meditation, dance, etc); and have taken more initiative in family and friend efforts (e.g. getting a run buddy, attending every wedding/ graduation/ reunion/ birthday party/ funeral I could, and said “yes” to more invites, etc).

In summary, I’d say this past year has been about living with more courage (more shots), control (no hesitation), and presence (slowing down). Three words I’ll be carrying close with me as the adventure continues into year 34. Cheers :)

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