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Using Busy For Good

If you have time to:

  • Complain, then you also have time to express gratitude.
  • Explore the internet, then you also have time to explore nature / reality.
  • Talk poorly about people behind their back(s), then you also have time to speak constructively about people to their face.
  • Stop at a fast food restaurant to buy junk food, then you also have time to stop at a restaurant that can make your food fast and buy healthier food.
  • Rack up hours of unintentional screen time daily (e.g. constant social media refreshing), then you also have time to rack up hours of intentional screen time daily (e.g. digital / audio books).

Don’t use busy as an excuse to make poor choices. Use the momentum that comes from busy to carry you forward from one good choice to the next with more ease. Learn to use busy as a facilitator that allows you to do more good with less effort—not the opposite.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference