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Today, while typing a quote to be uploaded to MoveMe Quotes, my eyes saw “W-O-R-T-H” and my fingers typed “W-O-R-K.”

Normally, typos are no big deal and are fixed just as fast as they’re made—but, this typo hit different. It almost felt like a message being sent.

For context, I can type fast—about as fast as I can read when I’m uploaded quotes from books or other sources. Which means typing is largely an unconscious task for me. I don’t have to think about where the “K” key is or the “T” and “H” keys are… my fingers just know after having punched them a bajillion times.

Which makes me think… did my subconscious take momentary control over my fingers to illustrate a point reminding me not to tie my worth too intimately to my work? Was it a signal that I’ve been devoting too much time to my work endeavors and that I needed to do other things that fulfill my feelings of worth as a person?

…Or was it just a stupid typo and I’m overthinking this whole thing?

I digress.

P.s. For those who aren’t aware of the insightful depth and/or communication methods of the subconscious, read this.

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly