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Time-Set Your Desired Mind-Set

  • At 8am: “Every day I exercise is a great day.”
  • At 9am: “I become what I consume.”
  • At 1pm: “Daily writing is one of the best things I’ve ever done for my mental health.”
  • At 4pm: “Teach like it’s the most important class you’ll ever teach—for someone, it might be.”
  • At 11pm: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.”

It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of the day.

Setting a timer on your phone to ring when you’re supposed to be doing a high-priority task—and making the title of the timer a reminder of the “why” that stands behind the task—can help you cut through the noise and refocus your energy, in the moment, on what’s important.

Better that than laying your head down on the pillow at the end of the day, only to realize that it was all a blur and you were barely conscious for anything that happened since you left the pillow earlier that morning. Why rush so quickly through this already short enough life?!

Imagine waking up to a timer in the morning that said: “If I died yesterday, this would be the greatest gift imaginable.” Maybe that would reframe how you went about your day. Because here’s the thing: some did die yesterday. And here you are.

Why not do everything you could to fully embrace the moments bundled inside this gift you’ve been fortunate enough to receive?

P.s. Here are 25 way daily writing improved my life.

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly