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Easing Into The Unfamiliar

Regardless of how awful your current reality is—you’re likely going to stay in it until you can find a way to make a different reality familiar.

Because even though our current reality might be awful, it’s what we know… which, in a weird way, makes it comfortable.

The scary thing about the unfamiliar is that it could lead to a far worse reality… greater discomfort… and even more awful. You have no idea, right?

But, it could also lead to the opposite.

What helps in transitioning from awful to better is a patient focus on simply showing up, gently trying new situations out, and giving these unknowns a generous chance.

The more we can familiarize ourself with a new, potentially better reality—the less likely we will be to settle into a reality that’s life suffocating and far below what we know we deserve.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesSelf-Limiting BeliefsThinking Clearly