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Re-Racking Emotional Weight

The weight from our past can be cripplingly heavy.

What we must remember, however, is that just as we can set down the heavy weight we pick up at the gym… so, too, can we set down the emotional weight we pick up throughout life.

We simply need to give ourselves the means (writing, talking, meditating), space, and permission to do so.

Imagine having to carry weight from the gym with you for an entire day—and not getting to put it down once. This is what your mind is experiencing except on a week/ month/ year/ decade level!

Sit; settle; relax; release; unload; unpack; talk; tremble; cry; confront; let go; let it flow.

…It’s time to re-rack some of that emotional weight you’ve been carrying for too long.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat Thursday (10/26) at 1:30pm EST on The Art of Mastering Your Mind to Scale In Business. I’d love to have you join if you’re free/interested.

Published inArchivesHealing Not HealedTransforming Pain