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Your Mind Is Infected

…All of our minds are.

With negativity, judgment, doubt, hate, jealousy…

It comes with the territory of being human—we’re emotional, comparative, imperfect creatures.

Knowing this—embodying this—we can begin our work of healing.

If you ignore this and pretend like your mind isn’t—you can’t.

Never assume your mind is immune to infectious beliefs.

Stand guard to the door of your mind and actively send soldiers of positivity, acceptance, belief, love, and compassion to confront the rebel infections trying to overtake your mind.

In other words: speak—both inwardly and outwardly—with the aim and intent of being cured as consistently and as often as possible.

And slowly, slowly… you shall be.

P.s. I’ll be hosting a LIVE chat on Twitter about the Ego and exploring if it’s our enemy or if it can be used to help us in life. Details here.

Published inArchivesHealing Not HealedTransforming Pain