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On Being Unapologetically Yourself

3 Important things happen when you’re NOT unapologetically yourself:

  1. Inner conflict arises because who you are and how you’re presenting are in opposition.
  2. You attract people into your life who vibe with your mask.
  3. You repel people who don’t vibe with your mask (who might be attracted to your authentic self).

3 Important things happen when you ARE unapologetically yourself:

  1. You get to be your unapologetic self (no masks).
  2. You attract people into your life who vibe with the real you.
  3. People who don’t vibe with you will continue on their way.

3 Important things to remember when you are in the midst of being unapologetically yourself:

  1. Not everyone will like it. Good. The ones who don’t—aren’t your tribe (even if you thought they were). Keep vibing unapologetically. Your real tribe won’t make you apologize for being you.
  2. Not everyone you attract will be good additions to your tribe. You’ll need to keep firm boundaries up against energy vampires, energy manipulators, and toxic types.
  3. Attraction works two ways. Don’t just wait for everybody else to attract to you. Take the initiative and follow the flow of your attractions. Sometimes, being unapologetically yourself involves being quiet, shy, and reserved. The same is true in others. Take more risks and reach out to people who you think you’d vibe really well with. Somebody has to take the initiative—might as well bring the control back into your court and let that somebody be you.

I love when my words make people “pensive.” Thank you for the kind words and coffee. This post is dedicated to you. ☕️

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly