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Where Building Better Boundaries Starts:

Less busy.
More nothing.

Less obligation.
More curiosity.

Less FOMO.
More J(oy)OMO.

Less holding on.
More letting go.

Less running around.
More sitting still.

Less reluctant “Yeses.”
More respectful “Nos.”

Less mindless reacting.
More mindful muting.

Less settling for less.
More patience for better.

Less free access to you.
More value-driven exchanges with you.

Less "I'll fix it for you."
More "This is yours to fix."

Less notifications.
More Do Not Disturb mode.

Less: "I always answer right away."
More: "I'll reply when I'm ready."

Less information consuming.
More information digesting.

Less “hard stops” with family.
More “hard stops” with work.

Less being tolerant of toxicity.
More being adamant about access.

Less getting pushed around.
More of what pulls you around.

Less: "I don't want anyone to get angry."
More: "It's okay if others get angry."

Less of what others added to your to-do list.
More of what you added to your to-do list.

Less rescuing people from their drama.
More allowing people to experience natural consequences.

Less: "It's my job to micromanage and helicopter."
More: "It's not my job to think, feel, or live for others."

Less following people to compare yourself against.
More befriending people whom you can improve with.

Reminder: the only people who will get upset with you adding these types of boundaries to your life are the ones who benefited from you not having them before.

They are precisely the people whom you need to protect yourself against.
Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love