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What Are You Measuring?

  • Inches?
  • Pounds?
  • Followers?

Have you ever considered measuring things like:

  • Connection?
  • Presence?
  • Laughter?

Because here’s the reality: what you measure is what’ll get your focus.

And what gets your focus gets your time, energy, and attention.

…In other words: your life.

So, the more focused you are on measuring any one particular thing, the more of your life that one particular thing will consume.

And if that’s true then I’m sure you can already see where I’m going with this.

Measure your life in how you would most love to live it—and let your time, energy, and attention flow into those things as much as you can afford.

Because a life measured in measuring tapes, scales, and social media clicks certainly isn’t equal to a life measured in deep connections, belly laughs, and moments of presence.

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly