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When Habits Become Easier

.…They don’t.

21/30/60/90 days isn’t the amount of time it takes for a hard task to become easy.

…It’s the amount of time it takes for you to not forget to do the hard task(s).

Many people get this twisted.

Hard tasks, generally speaking, never get easier.

The 21/30/60/90 day mark is simply how long it takes for you to integrate a new habit into your lifestyle—it’s the getting to and the starting of the task that gets easier.

Remember this the next time you commit to a new lifestyle habit.

Day 22/31/61/91 is going to be just as hard as day 1. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

  • An excruciatingly hard workout regime will continue to be just as excruciatingly hard.
  • An extraordinarily strict diet will continue to be just as miserable.
  • An emotionally draining side-hustle will continue to be just as emotionally-draining.

The key is to make sure that the pace you’re setting for yourself at the outset is one that you’ll be able to maintain far beyond just 21/30/60/90 days.

Good measure is to imagine how you’ll feel about your new lifestyle habit on day 9,000.

Do you think you’ll still be doing the task in question?

Proceed accordingly.

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well