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The “Right” Places

The answers to your problems are out there.

  • Your health problems
  • Your happiness problems
  • Your money problems

You just haven’t looked in the right places.

Looking in the same places and expecting different answers is the strategy of the insane.

One I certainly would not recommend.

Here’s what I’ve learned: looking in the “right” places looks a lot like learning.

  • Opening new books
  • Listening to new thinkers
  • Experimenting with new ideas

Most people open up the same apps, talk with the same people, and buy into the same strategies (that are merely packaged differently) over and over again and expect things to suddenly start going “right.”

The reality is, if what you’re investing your time/ energy/ and attention into isn’t leading you to grow: how can you outgrow your current set of problems?

For what is solving the problems of our lives, but the act of growing?

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly