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Confused? Don’t Be.

  • When somebody says something you don’t understand—tell them. You expand your thinking when you understand what’s being said—not when you pretend like you do.
  • When a strong feeling arises that doesn’t make sense to you—speak to/ listen to/ or read from a person who understands strong feelings. Bottling up strong feelings turns them toxic. Sharing strong feelings is how we learn to flow from signal to action.
  • When you’re solving a problem and get stuck—reach out to those who are trying to solve (or have solved) similar problems. When your network expands, not only does your thinking expand from the interactions, but your access to other brains expands which multiplies the total thinking capacity at hand for all involved.

In short: don’t keep your confusion to yourself.

Keeping your confusion to yourself is literally the act of preventing growth.

Reaching out for help when confused may be hard, but it’s the path towards growth.

If we do nothing to expand our thinking, our thinking will never expand.

And expanding our thinking is important because our opportunities in life expand in proportion to the problems we learn how to solve—which only ever fall within the confines of our thinking.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly