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Stale Relationships

It can be easy to take our loved ones for granted.

Especially when they seamlessly become a part of our daily lives.

Like running water, our internet connection, and the roof over our heads—we soon enough just expect them to be there when we wake up in the morning.

And the more that becomes the expectation—the less gratitude we’re likely to show.

Until eventually, we show no gratitude at all.

Until suddenly, we start letting stupid small things take control of our minds and turn what was once gratitude for wonderful miracles into generally misguided feelings of spite, frustration, and disregard.

And for no other reason than because we forgot.

  • We forgot to see our loved ones with fresh eyes.
  • We forgot to hear our loved ones with fresh ears.
  • We forgot to deliberately prioritize the miracles over the minutiae.

And slowly, slowly—our forgetfulness becomes the very reason that fresh love turns stale.

Just as surely as the fresh fruit that sits in our fridge for too long will go stale—so too will the unattended relationships.

We must learn to keep breathing fresh life into what’s at risk of expiring.

Because love, no matter how strong it starts out, can always become stale with time.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love