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Digital Age Discipline

The ones who get ahead in the digital age are the ones who know how to discipline themselves with their screens.

These are the people who:

  • Use silent or “Do Not Disturb” mode when sleeping, when spending quality time with people, or when doing deep work.
  • Know how to abstain from constantly checking said phone when it’s on silent/ “Do Not Disturb” mode.
  • Know that eyes communicate priority and know how to look away from screens and into the window of another person’s soul.
  • Understand that turning off any and all unnecessary notifications is key to screen independence and recovering from “ding” addiction.
  • Know how to create restraints on screen time and how to follow them when time is up.

Isn’t it interesting how in the age of information, so many around us still seem to be so lost?

Like how so much of what people are focused on is backwards from what they actually should be focused on?

It all boils down to a priorities imbalance.

What we have to recognize is:

  • A full night of sleep is far superior to a night full of intermittent information gathering.
  • A conversation with undivided attention is exponentially better than a divided one.
  • An uninterrupted block of time for deep work is far more productive than double the time spent juggling deep work with notification checking, call answering, and timeline refreshing.

The urge is to do what’s urgent.

The key to getting ahead is to discipline yourself against that urge and do what’s important instead.

Published inArchivesBeing DisciplinedLiving Well