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Important Big > Urgent Little

When you solve the big problems what you might find is that the little problems take care of themselves.

Like, when you solve sleep.

Suddenly, you won’t need to spend so much time thinking about snoozing, caffeine, being late, battling fatigue, managing grumpy moods, hiding bags under your eyes, etc.

Or, when you solve healthy habits.

Suddenly, you won’t spend so much of your day feeling like crap, thinking about your weight, battling your lazy mind, trying to hide your body, figuring out how to treat symptoms, considering fad diets, trying out trendy workouts, questioning your self-worth, etc.

Or, when you solve gratitude.

Suddenly, you won’t feel like you’re constantly in a state of lack; like you need to hustle for more money; like you need to beat the people you’re comparing yourself to; like you need to buy the latest and greatest; like happiness is forever on the other side of a fleeting finish line.

Don’t let the urgent little overtake the important big.

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly