Daylight Savings Time—the day in the United States when, each spring, we lose one hour in our day because we turn the clocks one hour ahead to make better use of the longer daylight in our days.
…It’s also the day when everybody whines and complains and kicks up a storm about only have 23 hours in their day.
Which is understandable, of course. It’s hard enough to get everything done we need to get done in 24 hours let alone 23…
But, what about the hours we lose on the daily from time… wasted? Why don’t we whine, complain, and kick up a storm about those hours? Why aren’t we more upset about the hours we willfully flush down the drain… or maybe better said… the hours we’re manipulated into flushing? The hours algorithms are designed to consume and swallow from our lives… never to be returned.
Maybe if we took as much offense to the hours we get robbed of on the daily as we did during Daylight Savings Time… we’d start making more changes in our lives and lifestyles that left us with an actual 24… and not 23, 22, 20, or… gulp… less.
P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.