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The Customer Isn’t Always Right

Another observation from meeting my sister’s favorite people yesterday…

They all met each other through work—as waitresses, hostesses, and bartenders at a local fine dining restaurant—and all commented on how much they loved their job versus other places they’ve worked.

When I asked them why they loved it so much, they all replied that it was the owner that made the difference.

He trusted them to do their job(s) and wouldn’t micromanage, was always fair and kind, and would always tell them that they were his top priority—not the customers.

And by focusing on his key people, of course, his key people were able to focus on the customers. When you hire the right people, wanting to succeed is a given… focusing on nurturing the absolute best environment possible and giving them the tools they need to succeed should be that hirer’s top priority from that point forward.

…Undermining them, spreading toxicity, and cutting out their legs—even if it’s what the customer wants—is not what the business needs.

Published inArchivesInspiring OthersLiving Well