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On Attracting Amazing People Into Your Life

Tonight, I met some of my sister’s favorite people for the first time.

And towards the end of the night, as she was reinforcing to me why she loved them as much as she did—because of how kind, funny, supportive, adventurous, generous, loving, spontaneous, and so forth, they each were—she told me she often wondered how she got so lucky.

And I told her it was simple…

The people she attracted into her life were a reflection of her. It was because she was kind, funny, supportive, adventurous, generous, loving, spontaneous, and so forth that those very same kinds of people were attracted to her. And that it was no coincidence that so many amazing people loved being friends with her.

…Because she put the work in to become amazing herself.

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week here.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love