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Freedom doesn’t come from care-less-ness (doing what you want, when you want to).

Freedom comes from care-more-ness (doing what you should, when you know it’s time to).

Because while it’s true that you are free to do whatever you want, you are NOT free from the consequences of those decisions.

Go ahead and rob a bank—you’re free to try. But, that’ll be the end of your freedom for a while.

Only those who care-more earn the type of freedom that allows them to do what they want, when they want to.

  • The more you care for your body, the more free your movement becomes.
  • The more you care for you mind, the more free your thinking becomes.
  • The more you care for your relationships, the more liberating those relationships become.

And so it is for the opposite of the above mentioned examples.

But, what about vices?

Caring more for drama, drugs, and distractions definitely doesn’t lead to freedom. Which is why caring more is about prioritizing the things you know you should be caring more about. Things like having vulnerable conversation, experientially living, and thinking deeply.

A destination that ends with more freedom, never starts with less caring.

Published inArchivesThe Road To FreedomThinking Clearly