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Sand For Bricks

Today, Verizon lost me as a customer.

The short of it is that they made promises they didn’t keep.

They promised certain deals, promised easy corrections, promised fixed bills… and broke those promises over and over and over again.

And it eventually got to the point where I gave them an ultimatum: either we fix this today or I’m going to another company.

After an hour of re-explaining the situation for the tenth time, the manager gave me a number to call… for the tenth time… and said that’s the best he could do.

So I left.

And so should you.

And I’m not talking about Verizon anymore.

I’m talking about businesses, services, and people in general who make promises they don’t keep.

And I’m not even just talking about “I promise” promises… I’m talking about people who don’t follow through with their word. People who say they’re going to do something and don’t.

The foundation of all relationships—be it business, service, or personal—is trust. And trust is built one made and kept promise at a time.

Don’t keep trying to build a house when what someone is giving you is sand for bricks.

Trust those who give you bricks to build houses with.

Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love