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Investing In The Best In Your World

It’s hard to be around people who are the best in the world at what you do, and not feel wildly inspired.

I say you and not they in the above sentence intentionally.

Because you could be around people who are the best in the world at what they do, and think to yourself… “I don’t know how they do that…” “That’s absolutely insane…” “I couldn’t imagine ever doing that…”

But, when you’re around people who are the best in the world at what you do—your chosen field(s) of focus, your area(s) of interest, your favorite pastimes or lifestyle practices—it’s much more likely you’ll think to yourself… “I don’t know how they do that… yet.” “That’s absolutely insane… and I want to learn.” “I couldn’t imagine doing that today… but, next year…!

Which is why we should always make it a point to invest our time and energy in both discovering and being around those types. It has very little to do with the few moments you might actually be with them and everything to do with the years you’ll spend nurturing the seeds they’ll likely plant in your mind.

Published inArchivesInvesting In YourselfLiving Well