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You Parties

I’ve been remembering lately how I used to crash on my bed at the end of a long day and scroll through my social timelines for 30 minutes to an hour each night before falling asleep.

…And how that isn’t even a thought that occurs to me anymore.

Now, it’s always either crash on my bed at the end of a long day and read or crash on my bed at the end of a long day and sleep.

And what an incredible victory worth celebrating that is.

One that, let me tell you, I haven’t really celebrated at all.

It was a challenge that I worked hard to integrate into my lifestyle that slowly, slowly, became a part of my lifestyle which, by definition, meant it was something I didn’t have to think about once it was established.

Upon reflection, I realized that I focused on other things I wanted to challenge and change about my lifestyle instead.

…And so it goes in life, eh?

If we always only think about what we’re lacking, not doing, or could be doing better… we’ll always feel bad about where we are—if we even remember to think about where we are at all.

Which isn’t to say thinking about how we can grow is bad… it’s just to remind you to balance it with some gratitude and awareness for how far you’ve come and to throw a little party for yourself every now and again.

I mean, seriously…when’s the last time you threw a little party for yourself, eh?

Published inArchivesEnjoying The JourneyLiving Well