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Recognizing Moments Of Truth

One of my goals this year is to write one long(er) form article each week that I can either publish to MoveMe Quotes (to help with SEO) or submit to brand/magazine publications (to help spread my words to new audiences).

The first four weeks, I did just that.

The past two weeks, however, I failed.

I got caught up writing an article that I just couldn’t finish. And I let it stall me out.

This is how it goes for so many who are working hard to integrate resolutions into their lifestyle. Strong start followed by legit obstacle followed by stall out.

…But what stall outs really are are moments of truth.

…And it’s how we choose to respond to these moments that makes all the long-term difference.

Either we let the stall stall us all the way out… or we figure out a way to keep moving forward despite the stall out(s).

And so this week, I decided to pivot. Rather than try and submit longer form articles to other brand/magazine publications—I’m going to double down on publishing new articles each week to MoveMe Quotes.

Publishing to MMQ is inside my control and much more efficient whereas getting published elsewhere is not and was taking too much of my time. And while SEO might not be as “sexy” as getting published elsewhere—it’s the process of producing that’s most important.


Your Turn: How are your resolutions going? If not so good, how can you pivot to get back on track… this is your moment of truth… how can you move forward with (and build) resilience?

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well