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On Going Out And Dancing

“I saw him dancing on the dance floor on New Year’s Eve with two empty champagne glasses and I knew I had to meet him.”

This is what one of the parents told me when I asked her how she and her husband met.

She added, “I wasn’t even going to go out that night, but my friends forced me.”

And there they were, coming up on their 33rd New Year’s Eve together.

I love this story for two reasons.

One, it’s a wonderful reminder to dance. To put yourself out there and worry less about what other people think. It’s exactly how you eventually attract the ones who see you for who you are… not for who you go on pretending to be.

Two, it’s a wonderful reminder to do things—even when you sometimes don’t want to. I’m the type who can stay home for an entire weekend, alone, and love every second of it. And a lot of the time, that’s exactly what I’ll do. But, when I make plans to go out or do something fun (which I often have to remind myself to do), I try to stick to them. Because I know that while staying in can serve a valuable purpose… going out can, too.

…And what a shame it would be to miss the chance to meet the person who may very well lead to the adventure that lasts a lifetime.

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love